Tuesday, July 31, 2012

school year blues

this is weird but i'm starting to get really nervous about all my friends going back to work.  they all work at schools and the semester is about to start.  even though i now have a job of my own i feel very nervous about not having access to them during the week.  my anxiety rears it's head all over the place. 

i feel the same sense of dread i did when i was a student being herded back into another school year of less-than-fulfilling classes and busy work.  though my routine won't change i feel cheated by the absence of my friends.

part of my dread may be related to the impending fall (and it's weather) though i won't have to face said fall until october or so here in tennessee.  i hate winter and all that it brings so fall is just an every day reminder of what is to come...

sleep hasn't been coming easy (shocker!) so i'm exhausted tonight.  think i'll take my book and head to bed.

grace and peace

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

welcome to the world, evans!

i have a new nephew as of 8:24 this morning.  i won't be able to get out of town and see him (and family) until saturday.  i hate that i wasn't there.  i was at the hospital when all 4 of my other nieces and nephews were born.  a new job and other circumstances kept me in nashville today instead of a hospital in mississippi.  can't wait to hold him!

he's beautiful, don't ya think?

grace and peace and gratitude

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

heat wave

the air conditioning has been on the fritz at work and my brain is a bit fried.  it got fixed today in the nick of time:  i was about to spontaneously combust.  i just wanted to stop in and say hello before retiring to finish my book.  when i'm within 50 pages of the end of a book all things stop until i've finished.  i'm rereading a favorite, "the shadow of the wind", in anticipation of the sequel.  as soon as "stairway to heaven" ends i will turn off the iPod and read.

i love the 4 day work week that i have.  it's amazing to me the difference in a 4 day vs. a 5 day week.  of course, i know the books have a lot to do with it as well.  i'm really enjoying the job (air conditioning crisis notwithstanding.) 

anxiety continues to plague me, but not so much during my work hours so i consider that a blessing.

grace and peace

Saturday, July 14, 2012

constantly cloudy skies

i know we need the rain but the constant downpours are starting to make me very uneasy.  winston doesn't want to go out, the cats are angry with me and i am feeling anxious and melancholy.  cleaned up a little this morning only to have the cats track in mud with every attempt at outside play.  they have retired for the day, accepting that the rain has overruled them.  i am still fighting it and anxiously waiting for dark to come so i don't have to look out on the rain-soaked patio/backyard.

i broke down and rented a redbox movie for tonight because i can't stand the constant freezing up of this old computer.  i just want to escape this day with my clean sheets, pets and robert downey, jr. as sherlock holmes.

is 7:00 pm too early to go to bed?

grace and peace and sunny skies (eventually)  

Monday, July 2, 2012

highs and lows

had a good day today at work.  my brother stopped in for a surprise visit and, while i was busy, we still got to visit and laugh a little.  then i got the news that a dear friend's mother died suddenly today.  it was a great shock and my heart aches for her and her family.

a death always reminds me of the things i take for granted and the pain that comes with regret and unspoken truths.  to all my friends and family...i love you and i cherish you.  we aren't promised that this life will be easy and we aren't promised that it will be lengthy.  let's be grateful for every day and every blessing.

my friend's mother was a faithful Christian and without that i know that her enormous grief would be so much worse.  my love to you, s.s.

grace and peace!