Tuesday, April 17, 2012

more of the same

sorry i've been MIA for a while.  there are a few reasons for this:  torturous and persistent headaches, a serious medical crisis for one of my best friends and a similar yet less serious medical crisis in my family, a couple of job interviews (neither of which i've heard from) and a general feeling of unease and melancholy. 

i struggle with a constant lack of motivation where my writing is concerned.  i cannot get my muddled thoughts out in any concise manner and so i just avoid the whole charade.  i always write (or not) like this.  it comes in strong and crashing waves and then trickles so slowly that i think i may indeed die of wanting.  it's like the quote i read years ago, i don't remember who said it, but the writer stated that "i write so slowly that i could write in my own blood and not bleed to death."  that's me!  i just keep reading and waiting for inspiration.

i'm job-hunting and praying and those activities keep me pretty busy.  i listen to a lot of music and try to convince myself that the house doesn't need any straightening...it does.  so that's what i do:  avoid any work and immerse myself in other people's words and chords and hope that i can hold out long enough to contribute my own.

grace and peace

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