Thursday, April 19, 2012

mourning levon

here is the scene during my walk today-

iPod off shuffle, for once, and playing "the band" at near eardrum-rupturing volume.  tears pouring down my cheeks while i sung along with my sore throat and runny nose.  i learned of levon helm's death earlier in the day and took my walk mainly to walk off some of my grief.  levon, drummer and singer for "the band", has long been one of my favorites.
pollen of some sort was so thick in the air that it looked like a snowstorm and some of the yards resembled small, square cotton fields.  as i ran fingers through my hair i could feel it fall to my shoulders.  not to mention that i could, for the first time in months, actually smell the honeysuckle that lines the streets of my neighborhood--nice, but i'm allergic.  none of this helped my demeanor (or my allergies).  a mile and a half in i thought i wouldn't be able to make it home to a cold glass of ice water and a hot shower before my throat closed up good and proper.  i kept the walk to 2 miles but have been in an allergy-induced funk since i got in. 

one more night to survive a headache as well as heartache.

RIP levon!
grace and peace

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